Three rivers bike tour

150€/person 1 day



At the southern foothhills of the Velebit Mountain, where lowland meets its slopes, you’ll find many lovely places, sheep and goats pastures, small villages, as well as three hidden beauties: rivers Zrmanja, Krupa and Krnjeza. Krnjeza, very short but deep, mouths to Krupa river. Over the Krupa river you’ll find a very interesting Kuda’s Bridge (Kudin most) and a legend of Kuda who built this bridge two centuries ago. Krupa flows into Zrmanja. Zrmanja river after some 70 km mouths into Novigrad sea. A bike tour is an excellent way to explore the area of three karst rivers – cleanest and probably the most beautiful our ones. You’ll be amazed by the canyons, waterfalls, vegatation and pristin karst nature.

After a car transfer (40 min) to our startpoint, where National Road D – 27 Gračac-Obrovac branches toward Kaštel Žegarski, we ride downhill by the asphalt road to the old school house in village of Golubić for some 6 km. After next 1 km ride we reach the last houses of Golubić. A fabulous view opens up to the canyon of the River Krupa. Here we’ll get off our bikes and make a downhill walk along the path to the old Kuda’s Bridge. After an hour walk we continue our ride toward to the viewpoint above the canyon of the Krnjeza River. From here we proceed to the orthodox Krupa Monastery. Our trail leads to Kaštel Žegarski. Here we cross the Zrmanja River. For those searching for a rafting adventure here is their starting point. Leaving Kaštel Žegarski we turn right in the direction Obrovac and ride to the village of Bogatnik. Herefrom we continue along the macadam road . After 3-4 kms we come to the canyon of Zrmanja river on its left side. A few more kilometres and we reach Muškovci where our tour ends.

Difficulty: easy
Effective driving time: 3:30 hours
Duration: 5 hours
Distance: 31,9 km
Attitude Gain: 858 m
Descent: 1.361 m
Physical Requirements: average fitness level, healthy
Age Recommendations: 10 and older
Time: 9 AM or as arranged
Guide: a trained, experienced guide, speaking Croatian, English and/or German